Колонки ВЭЖХ Luna
Luna – одна из наиболее надёжных и популярных ВЭЖХ колонок в мире.
♦ Работа в диапазоне pH от 1,5 до 10
♦ Широкий выбор фаз: Silica, C5, C8, C18, Penyl-Hexyl, CN, NH2, SCX
♦ Высокая воспроизводимость
♦ Эффективный диаметр пор сорбента 100 Å
Тип сорбента |
Зернение |
Эффективная поверхность, м2/г |
Степень покрытия углеродом, % |
Плотность привитых функциональных групп, мкмоль/м2 |
Рабочий диапазон pH |
Классификация по USP |
Luna Silica(2), 100 Å | Сферическая 3, 5, 10, 15 |
400 | 0 | _ | 2,0-7,5 | L3 |
Luna C5 (Pentil), 100 Å | Сферическая 5, 10 |
440 | 12.5 | 7.85 | 1,5-10,0 | - |
Luna C8, 100 Å (MOS, RP-8, LC8, Octil) |
Сферическая 5, 10 |
440 | 14.75 | 5.5 | 1,5-10,0 | L7 |
Luna C8(2), 100 Å (MOS, RP-8, LC8, Octil) |
Сферическая 3, 5, 10, 15 |
400 | 13.5 | 5.5 | 1,5-10,0 | L7 |
Luna C18, 100 Å (ODS, RP-18, LC18, Octadecil) |
Сферическая 5, 10 |
440 | 19 | 3 | 1,5-10,0 | L1 |
Luna C18(2), 100 Å (ODS, RP-18, LC18, Octadecil) |
Сферическая 3, 5, 10, 15 |
400 | 17.5 | 3 | 1,5-10,0 | L1 |
Luna Phenyl-Hexyl, 100 Å | Сферическая 3, 5, 10, 15 |
400 | 17.5 | 4 | 1,5-10,0 | L11 |
Luna CN, 100 Å (CPS, PCN, Cyano, Cyanopropyl, Nitrilel) |
Сферическая 3, 5, 10 |
400 | 7 | 3.8 | 1,5-7,0 | L10 |
Luna NH2, 100 Å (APS, Amino) |
Сферическая 3, 5, 10 |
400 | 9.5 | 5.8 | 1,5-11,0 | L8 |
Luna SCX, 100 Å | Сферическая 5, 10 |
400 | 0,15 meq/g | 2,0-7,0 | L9 | |
Luna HILIC, 100 Å | Сферическая 3, 5 |
200 | 5.7 | 4,3 | 1,5-8,0 | - |
Luna PFP(2), 100 Å | Сферическая 3, 5 |
400 | 11.5 | 2,2 | 1,5-8,0 | L43 |
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Goals of Sample Preparation
Successful sample preparation for most analytical techniques (HPLC, UPLC, ™LC-MS, UV, GC, etc.)
has a threefold objective. It needs to provide the sample component of interest:
■■ In solution
■■ Free from interfering matrix elements
■■ At a concentration appropriate for detection or measurement
Waters™ Sample Preparation Solutions for quantitative analysis make it easy to deliver a sample that is reproducible with
high recovery and free of interferences. Based on simple, logical workflows that produce clean samples through selective
separations, Waters Sample Preparation Products maximize sensitivity, increase throughput, and enable the development of
robust methods.