Колонки ВЭЖХ Sunfire


SunFire Columns set the standard for state-of-the-art bonded C18 and C8 silica HPLC columns.
Benefiting from years of research and product development, SunFire Columns
deliver industry-leading levels of chromatographic performance, representing the
best in particle and bonding expertise. 

SunFire Columns offer:
■■ Excellent low-pH stability
■■ High chromatographic efficiency
■■ Superior peak shapes for charged analyte species


Характеристики сорбентов

  C18, 100 Å C8, 100 Å Silica, 100 Å
  HPLC: 2.5, 3.5, 5, 10 µm HPLC: 2.5, 3.5, 5, 10 µm HPLC: 5, 10 µm
Ligand Density 3,5μmol/m2 3,5μmol/m2 N/A
Carbon Load* 16% 12% N/A
Endcapped Yes Yes No
USP Class No L1 L7 L3
pH Range 2-8 2-8 2-8
Temperature Limits Low pH = 50 ˚C,
High pH = 40 ˚C
Low pH = 40 ˚C,
High pH = 40 ˚C
Low pH =55 ˚C,
High pH = 45 ˚C
Surface Area* 340 m2/g 340 m2/g 340 m2/g

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Goals of Sample Preparation

Successful sample preparation for most analytical techniques (HPLC, UPLC, ™LC-MS, UV, GC, etc.)
has a threefold objective. It needs to provide the sample component of interest:
■■  In solution
■■  Free from interfering matrix elements
■■  At a concentration appropriate for detection or measurement

Waters™ Sample Preparation Solutions for quantitative analysis make it easy to deliver a sample that is reproducible with
high recovery and free of interferences. Based on simple, logical workflows that produce clean samples through selective
separations, Waters Sample Preparation Products maximize sensitivity, increase throughput, and enable the development of
robust methods.